If this is your only option, please provide the following guidance to your IT department so they can set the machine up for you.The portable version ofAnyDesk is distributed free of charge for non-commercial use.
Do not take your exam at work if your office network uses a firewall or requires VPN. Even if the system compatibility is good, an off-specification machine may cause technical issues during your exam.
It does not check how the machine itself will perform in a locked-down live exam environment.
The System Compatibility Check checks your system. Internet Connection – ensures your connection satisfies minimum requirements. System Integrity – checks some basic features of the compliance of your device with ExamShield. The following System Compatibility Check will be carried out by ExamShield on your machine:. Install ExamShield (Note: ExamShield is updated once a month, that is why we advise you to confirm your compatibility at least 24 hours before your exam.). For viewing the full PeopleCert Core Guidance eBook experience during Open Book examinations. This is only required in the following two occasions: If your Computer is not running on the latest version of Windows (Windows 11 or later) you may need to install Webview 2. We recommend not using a work machine unless your IT department is able to help you set it up well before the exam
Administrative restrictions on many work machines will affect ExamShield and are likely to affect the performance of your computer before or during your exam.We advise you to save all your work and exit any open programs such as AnyDesk, Skype, MS Teams etc.Dual-core 2.4GHz CPU or faster with 4GB of RAM.ExamShield is applicable with Windows® 11, Windows® 10 (Windows 10S and Windows 11S is not supported) or macOS High Sierra (10.13) onwards.Can my device handle the software and what accessories will I need?