Some screen readers and voice assistants identify work apps by saying "work" before the app name. Work apps are marked with a briefcase badge, while personal apps do not have a briefcase badge. To learn how to set up a work profile, see Create a work profile and enroll your device. They also can’t reset or wipe your device. They can’t access the personal email, apps, settings, and data. Your IT support person can only manage the work-related email, apps, settings, and data on your device. Tell the difference between work apps and personal apps.The work profile lives on a separate part of the device so that your personal things stay private and unaffected by work. If you found this information helpful, do not hesitate to share it with anyone out there who needs to hear it.A work profile separates the work-related data from the personal data on your enrolled device.

This is pretty much everything you need to know on how to make icon text bigger on Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8 Plus. That’s because the number of columns you set for the screen grid will also determine the number of maximum available slots from the favorite tray.The only thing you can change about the favorite tray in relation to the screen grid settings is the number of maximum slots displayed in the tray.The screen grid changes that you operate on any Galaxy S8 or Galaxy S8 Plus only apply to the space from above the favorite tray, and not to the tray itself.When you make such changes, a particular area from the bottom of the screen, where the favorite tray is located, won’t be inflicted.Whatever size adjustments you make on the Home screen, it will automatically reflect on the Apps screen and the other way around.

Slightly resizing the app icon size and grid size is possible on both the Galaxy S8 Home screen and the Apps screen, as there are no separate settings for these two screen grids.